Our Programs
Integrated Curriculum
From K1 to Primary Levels

Reading and Comprehension

Singapore Math

Filipino and
Science and Technology
Multi Sensory / Structured Language Approach to Reading is...
an evidence based practice that uses validated, reliable and efficient assessments for classroom teaching and;
promotes understanding of language structures for both word recognition and language comprehension.
Singapore Math
Solving addition and subtraction of 2-3 digit numerals using number bonds and block model approaches;
Concept of time and occurrence of events
Science and Technology
Understanding and appreciating life forms and processes
Leveled language teaching in Filipino with the aid of WiKAHON from Adarna Publishing;
Recognizing and respecting diversity;
Learning about the Filipino child and his rights and responsibilities
Visit the website to learn more about it!


Lessons and activities are provided by the teachers in various platforms and may be accessed via computers or smart phones.
Real-time live chats and classes
Teachers facilitate daily learning online.
Flexible schedule of deadlines

Combination of traditional classroom set-up and online learning.
In-school and online learning lessons