Remote Learning
Continuity Plan
Due to the unexpected occurrences brought about by the current global health situation, the country’s economy was greatly compromised. Businesses were seriously affected and the education sector is not spared from this. Today, we are all struggling to adapt to the “new normal” that takes place in various communities, workplaces, and even in the educational system.
We believe that this situation we are currently experiencing should not hinder the learning of the children. This is why it is our commitment to embrace this new set-up and thereby provide our learners the different learning modalities without having to go to our center and safely study and learn within the comforts of their own homes.
The future School Year is a challenging year for all the stakeholders in the learning journey of all students. This SY, we are transitioning to remote learning that will provide opportunities for instruction to our learners through synchronous and asynchronous approaches to learning. It is where the skills and competencies that they assimilated will lead them toward gaining independence, resilience, responsibility, and trustworthiness.
It is our hope that the flexible learning options that we are offering will strengthen partnerships with the learners’ parents and caregivers in delivering the different learning modalities in their homes for it to be effective and efficient. It is also our goal that through remote learning, we may be able to establish family literacy programs that will empower parents as they assume a new role as learning partners to our teachers.
A. Curricular Mapping
The curriculum has been recalibrated to organize learning competencies beyond traditional subject areas. The K-12 curriculum was redesigned in such a way that it is still aligned with the goal of raising holistically developed Filipinos with 21st century skills . The foundational learning competencies were prioritized and clustered, allowing lessons to be integrative and holistic. Focus is given to literacy and numeracy as foundational skills to lifelong learning across grade levels. Following are the essential foundational skills integrated in all the thematic lessons of the learner to assure authentic learning experiences and thereby heighten the learner’s engagement.
Cross-cutting learning skills that promote:
critical thinking
promotes literacy skills
furthers creative and technical writing
exposure to media and technology
experiential learning
social interaction
B. Course Outline
A copy of the Learning Guide is provided for every start of the trimester.
C. Small Classroom Size
Through the years, our center has consistently maintained a small classroom size of up to a maximum of nine students. This is to be faithful to our thrust of delivering quality, progressive type of education to our clientele.
Learning approaches will be conducted in two modalities:
A. Synchronous
Online distance education that happens
real time.
Methods of synchronous online learning:
• live classroom engagement
• discussion forums between:
learner and teacher/teacher and parent
• interactive activities
• live assessments, games, etc.
B. Asynchronous
Learning happens on the learner’s schedule. Teacher provides materials for reading, lectures for viewing, assignments for completing, and exams for evaluation. The learner may access and satisfy these requirements within a flexible time frame.
Methods of asynchronous online learning:
• self-guided lesson modules,
• streaming video content,
• virtual libraries,
• posted lecture notes,
• exchanges across discussion boards
or social media platforms.